We would like to support you in finding a job locally if you want to find employment. You can access jobs and support at the local Job Centre, in Ringwood itself as well as support online. You can read about your rights to work below, as well as furhter support on finding work and preparing for applications.
There are a couple of local agencies who advertise jobs within the area. You can contact them on the below links, if you feel confident enough to do so. If, however, you feel you need further help, either with a curriculum vitae (CV), you can contact us below and we are willing to support where we can. We may also be able to offer support with making your applications, guidance on interviewing, and general employment advice. There are two main local agencies, The Workshop Ringwood and Aspire Jobs.
This is a scheme set up by our National Health Service to help those Ukrainians with medical qualifications gain employment.