Whilst we continue to work to help provide a safe, stable and welcoming environment for people coming to the Ringwood area, thanks to the work of our volunteers, NFDC, Acts4Sharing, PBC and many others, this work no longer needs significant new donations at this time. Therefore, for the immediate future, most of any new donations will go to supporting communities and displaced people in Ukraine - if you would like more information please get in touch.
You can donate by clicking on the Just Giving button below.
Bank Transfer
Or you can donate via bank transfer.
Bank: CAF Bank Ltd
Account: Poulner Baptist
Account Number: 00010239
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Reference: Love Ukraine Ringwood
100% of your donation goes to Love Ukraine Ringwood,
Love Ukraine Ringwood apply no overheads and pay no salaries.
If you have any questions, or would like to claim gift aid,
please email us at
Digital Currency
Alternatively, you can donate securely via any of these digital currencies.
Who manages our funds?
Our Just Giving and Bank Transfer funds are managed by Poulner Baptist Chapel and Churches Together in Ringwood. Digital currency is directly managed by Love Ukraine Ringwood. All donations are 100% ring fenced for Love Ukraine Ringwood.
Any surplus funds will be used to support those displaced by war or violence and, where practicable, focused on those who have been part of the local community here as they seek to return and rebuild their communities in Ukraine.