Mental Health
If you are registered with a GP you can access for help with mental health issues. Here you will find classes or webinars on e.g. relaxation skills or managing moods, as well as how to access one to one support.
​ is a website with useful links to a whole range of local services. For relevant information it is necessary to go to the Community Directory and select the area in which you live (New Forest). Mental Health services can be found under the Specific Needs tab. Advice for under 18s can be found in the Families Information and Services Hub.
Mental Health
If you are registered with a GP you can access for help with mental health issues. Here you will find classes or webinars on e.g. relaxation skills or managing moods, as well as how to access one to one support.
​ is a website with useful links to a whole range of local services. For relevant information it is necessary to go to the Community Directory and select the area in which you live (New Forest). Mental Health services can be found under the Specific Needs tab. Advice for under 18s can be found in the Families Information and Services Hub.
Children and Young People
Save The Children have issued advice on talking to children about conflict see:
ChatHealth for parents of children aged 0-5 and 5-19
This is a free text messaging service with the Public Health Nurses in Hampshire. If you have a child aged 0-5 years, text 07520 615720. If you have a child aged 5 -19 years text 07507 332417.
ChatHealth for Young People aged 11 – 19 years
This is a free text messaging service with a school nurse in Hampshire. Text 07507 332160.
Hampshire Youth Access:
This provides counselling, advice and support for children and young people.
Kooth is a free, safe and anonymous place for young people to find online support and counselling.
We are friendly people. If you are worried about your mental health of that of someone else, talk to us. Most of us are just volunteers, so we cannot advise or provide therapy, but we can listen and we do care.